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Archive of posts published in the category: Dr. Lox

Dr. Dennis Lox Lectures to Way ahead for Restorative healing Medicine

Dr. Dennis Lox a professional in stem cell medicine presented his experience in the field of stem cell medicine with athletes, sports medicine, and osteoarthritis patients inside the Nj meeting May 16-18, 2017. Keynote Speaker and internationally renown stem cell expert Dr. Anthony…


Dr. Dennis Lox Lectures to Way ahead for Restorative Medicine

Dr. Dennis Lox a professional in stem cell medicine presented his experience of stem cell medicine with athletes, sports medicine, and osteoarthritis patients inside the Nj-new jersey meeting May 16-18, 2017. Keynote Speaker and internationally renown stem cell expert Dr. Anthony Atala addressed…


A patient with Knee Arthritis in Los Angeles treats with Stem Cells

Knee arthritis or osteoarthritis could be the the 2nd most typical ailment, behind back pain along with the common cold. A 73 year old women being affected by knee pain for years chose to due her own homework. She didn’t want each of…