Advanced Driver Assistance Systems, or ADAS, can be a term discussing various, high-tech, in-vehicle systems that hopefully will increase road safety by helping drivers become better alert to the path and its potential hazards and various drivers around them.

ADAS is aimed at the creation of “smart cars” or intelligent vehicles, that are able to understand their surrounding environments, via sensors and other computerized data-gathering programs, so that they can assist their human drivers in navigating the roads. The assistance can come in the sort of allowing drivers to have better control of your vehicle or even in are automated assistance that this vehicle performs alone.

Here are a couple samples of vehicle systems that belong to the category of Advanced Driver Assistance Systems.

GPS Maps

In-dash GPS map displays are the renowned and used ADAS devices. Most new vehicle models have GPS displays included. GPS maps rely on regularly updated satellite and survey map data to provide drivers with on-route directions as well as the locations of nearby tourist attractions (like restaurants, airports, etc.) among other things.


AFS represents Advanced Front-lighting System, and it is often known as “adaptive light control”. Advanced front-lighting systems adjust the angle and intensity of a vehicle’s headlights according to the curvature of the road and also the a higher level visibility afforded by weather and natural lighting conditions. AFSs depend upon electronic sensors to detect visibility, and rehearse GPS signals that is expected the turns of the road ahead.

3D In-Dash Visualization

3D visualization models display terrain and elevation data along with an easy-to-understand, intuitive format. Real-time 3D renderings in the road and also the surrounding terrain are built to make information less abstract, and thus assist the driver be conscious of his location and road conditions.

Collision Avoidance Systems

Collision avoidance systems use various sensors to identify possible collision hazards. The sensor warn drivers should they be getting too near to surrounding cars, should they be gonna disappear the trail, or if they need to reduce their speed in readiness on an upcoming curve.

Other ADAS applications include things like automatic parking assistance, night vision, lane change assistance and blind spot detection. Each of them is continuously under development, at the same time many are realizing commercial implementation. The purpose of each ADAS system is ultimately exactly the same: to produce driving easier and safer.

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