Platelet rich plasma therapy (PRP) is a new and innovative treatment that naturally heals injured joints and tissue by using the body’s own process of healing. PRP therapy can be utilized in patients suffering from joint and knee pain, back pain, rotator cuff tears and other orthopedic type injuries. Many scientific studies show the main benefit while using platelet rich plasma to the non-surgical treatment of these conditions.
Joint, particularly in the knees and shoulders along with low back pain constitute the massive tastes patients who show their doctor’s office which has a complaint of pain. Several of these patients proceed to have surgery, often with less than optimal outcomes. Many of these patients still have exactly the same pain that they had prior to surgery, or worse, more pain. They’re in chronic pain and therefore are frustrated that it’s impossible to help them. They’re amazed that surgery didn’t fix them. Platelet rich plasma therapy offers these patients with joint and back pain relief by healing damaged knee or shoulder complex tendons, ligaments and cartilage. Patients with low back pain benefit by PRP repairing damaged ligaments and muscles.
Patients with persistent back pain frequently think that surgery was the best option they may have. Unfortunately too many patients get into the trap that surgery is the only answer to their pain problem and were convinced that surgery would “cure” their pain. The most unfortunate thing is that surgery was that’s doubtful befitting them in the first place. Surgery will, more not, are not able to relieve spine pain. This is because from the most of the time, spinal pain are not as a result of spinal problem. The issue more than likely due to soft tissue pain: muscles, tendons, ligaments and fascia (the cover tissue of muscles).
Platelet rich plasma offers patients an effective therapy to relieve their pain without surgical treatment or narcotics. This incredible therapy was never taught in school of medicine. Basically platelet rich plasma therapy (PRP) uses your own healing way to repair damage tissues.
To generate PRP, two ounces of your own blood is taken and processed to extract out PRP. In whole blood, PRP is just one percent number of the blood. With platelet rich plasma processing, we could concentrate platelets by 500-600%. This concentrated platelet rich plasma can then be injected straight into the area with damaged tissue. This may be inside the knee or shoulder blades, small of the back, neck or into injured tendons or ligaments.
In patients who have bone fractures, PRP dramatically accelerates bone healing and treatment. Platelet rich plasma treatments are a remarkable treatment. It clearly helps patient to avoid surgery, doesn’t have recovery time and uses your bodys own healing mechanism to have natural, stronger healing.
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